Registry entries

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
ADAM Barcode Valid Version Registry entry
Specifies which versions of the barcode standard are supported by the ADAM verification service.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
ADAM Mandatory Fields Registry entry
Specifies which information from a Driver's Licence or ID card must be supplied to a State for verification using the ADAM verification service .
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
ADAM Participants Registry entry
Specifies which States are participating with the ADAM verification service. Details from a Driver's Licence or ID card issued by a State listed in this entry will be verified using the ADAM verification service.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Address Tool Path Registry entry
Specifies the path in Windows to the addressing software that is used to verify all delivery addresses entered into Vitalware.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Address New Line Character Registry entry
Specifies a character that acts as a new line in an address string.
Address Roll Up String Registry entry
Specifies a string (As Above
for instance) to be typed into the first Delivery Details field in order to trigger address “roll up” in the POS system (that is, use of the previous delivery details for the current product).
Add an admin task to the Admin Tasks module. An Admin Task can be selected by authori
Adoption Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields that are copied from a pre-adoptive registration to a post-adoptive registration when an adoption occurs.
Age Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on the subject's age.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Allow Special Dates Registry entry
Specifies that a user / group can enter a special (non-standard) date in a date field.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Allowed Certificates Registry entry
Specifies which certificates a user / group is permitted to print from the POS module.
Specifies a list of certificates which can be printed and emailed to a remote office.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Allowed Empty For Printing Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields on the Electronic Birth Certificate that may be left empty when printing a paper copy of the certificate.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Allowed Module Certificates Registry entry
Specifies which certificates a user / group can print directly from a Registration module.
Specify additional fields to be searched when a search is performed on a field.
Specifies the product codes for one or more products that have no specific price.
<Attachment Control Name> Registry entry
Specifies restrictions for the attachment of external Parties records to a Registration so that only records valid for the time frame of the record can be attached.
Specifies whether address details are automatically updated when an address is verified against Canada Post postal data or whether (as in the default case) a user is shown a match with the option to select or reject it.
Note: Only used in Canadian Registries.
Specifies whether events are automatically attached to POS transactions if a single matching event is found.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Enable / disable automated filling of hierarchy fields.
Specifies whether a single matching query to the Locations module should automatically populate the address fields or whether it should be displayed for the user to select it.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Automatic Print Report Registry entry
Specifies whether a special speed print button is available, allowing staff to print a Registrations report (with details of all changes to a Registration) by-passing the usual reporting process.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Available Printers Registry entry
Specifies which printers are available to Vitalware users / groups.
Back Fill Event Details Registry entry
Specifies whether to populate Event Details fields in a POS record with details from an attached registrations record or to retain the details as they were keyed into the Event Details fields.
Balance Shortcut Registry entry
Specifies which tab of values to display on the Payments tab of the POS module for each Balance type.
Specifies the number of characters in a barcode.
Specifies the prefix for a barcode.
Specifies an association between groups of products to be batched and a printer.
Specifies the list of fields that define a Marriage Booking.
Booking Surcharge Product Registry entry
Specifies the product code for a booking surcharge fee.
Can Add Parentage Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to add Parentage Orders (i.e. surrogate births).
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies users / groups who are able to process adoptions.
Can Apply Maintenance Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can apply a maintenance (i.e. complete a maintenance transaction).
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Can Authorize Transmit Registry entry
Specifies that a user / group is able to transmit records from the QA system to the Production system.
Can Cancel Adoption Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to cancel adoptions that were processed by mistake.
Can Cancel Gender Change Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group is able to process the reversal of a change of gender for a Registration in the Births module.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Can Cancel Parentage Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to cancel Parentage Orders that were added by mistake.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Can Change Gender Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group is able to process a change of gender for a Registration in the Births module.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Can Complete Sample Registry entry
Specifies that a user / group is able to assess a sample, checking its status and finali
Can Edit Status Registry entry
Specifies a list of users who are able to change the Status of an order.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Can Event Search Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can search for an event Registration record and attach it to the Event Details fields in a POS record (effectively disabling / enabling the Attach button in the Event Details group of fields).
Note: Used in the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division and the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Specifies users / groups who can generate invoices.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Specifies whether or not a user can sign-off another operator's Till.
Can Undo Maintenances Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group can undo the last maintenance that was applied.
Can Unlock Records Registry entry
Specifies a list of users who can unlock locked EBC Certificate records.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Specifies whether users / groups can void (cancel) a registration and re-instate incorrectly voided registrations.
Specifies whether users / groups can write-off a bad debt.
Cancel Certificate Status Registry entry
Specifies that certificates which have already been issued for a record are flagged as cance
Capture Signature Registry entry
Controls the use of signature pads.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Cash Payment Types Registry entry
Specifies payment types that are to be treated as cash.
Associates a certificate with a type. The type is referenced by a Printer Registry entry that specifies which tray the type is printed from.
Certificate Edit Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields included in a certificate that may be edited at print time in order that they fit on a small certificate.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Certificate Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields which must be complete if a registration record (which has previously been given a Status of Complete
) is modified and saved. This ensures that no mandatory certificate data is inadvertently lost when a completed registration record is modified.
Certificate Limits Registry entry
Specifies a limit to the number of each type of certificate which can be issued per Registration before the operator is notified when another certificate of the same type is ordered.
Note: Only for use by Service New Brunswick.
Certificate Types Registry entry
Specifies which product types are certificates and should therefore be processed by the certificate sub-system when ordered.
Change of Name Products Registry entry
Specifies a list of product codes that are maintenances of type Change Of Name.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Change of Name Types Registry entry
Specifies a list of different types of Change Of Name supported by a Vital Records Office.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Change Of Name White Copy Product Code Registry entry
Specifies the product code for a Change Of Name White Copy.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Change Password Registry entry
Specify whether password changing is supported.
Check For Deceased Registry entry
Specifies that when a birth certificate is ordered for a deceased subject, a pop-up alert will indicate that the subject is deceased.
Defines a checklist to display on the Lists tab when a particular value is entered in a field.
Specifies the total number of digits in a che
Cheque Text Width Registry entry
Specifies the length of a che
Specify a circa period (a start and an end date) and a title for the period.
Specify an adjustment (+/-) in years to apply to a date within a given period.
Clear Location Codes Registry entry
Specifies whether PPP and / or CDCSD values will be cleared when City, Province and Country fields are cleared.
Note: Only used in Canadian Registries that use Canada Addresses with PPP and / or CDCSD codes.
Clear Reverse Hierarchy Registry entry
Specifies whether to clear Lookup List hierarchies when double keying.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Colours|Maximum Size Registry entry
Specify the privileges that users / groups have on a per column basis.
Column Access Modifier Registry entry
Modify the default Column Access values based on data found in the current record.
Specify additional search terms to be used when making an attachment and querying for the matching attachment record.
Specify the background colo
Specify the default font family and font size for
Contact Sheet Hint Registry entry
Build a hint string to be displayed in the module Status bar when a mouse cursor hovers over a thumbnail in Contact Sheet View. The hint string is built from one or more columns listed in this Registry entry.
Contact Sheet Text Registry entries
Specify what text to display in the first line beneath an image when viewing records in Contact Sheet view. The text is drawn from a column named in this Registry entry.
Configuring remote locations Registry entry
Specifies printer and email settings for use in remote registry office locations in Tasmania.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Continue Batch Process After Error Registry entry
Specifies whether processing of a batch continues with the next record when an error is encountered with a record, or whether processing of the batch is halted.
Continue Batch Process After Error Registry entry
Specifies whether processing of a batch continues with the next record when an error is encountered with a record, or whether processing of the batch is halted.
Specifies a list of payment types that are credit cards.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Cross Match Databases Registry entry
Specifies one or more tables that can be queried when a cross match query is performed from the current module.
Specifies a currency denomination and its numerical value for use in a Till.
Currency Rounding Registry entry
Specifies the smallest denomination of currency available.
CVS Match Columns Registry entry
Specifies a pair of columns that match between the CVS database and Registration tables.
Specify the format for dates entered into fields that have a Date data type.
Specify the format in which dates will display in a field in a module when retrieved from a database. Only affects fields that have a Date data type.
Specify the marker that separates each language in a field in a multi-language environment.
Disable Tab Stops Registry entry
Specifies whether read-only fields are skipped when tabbing through fields.
Ditto Skip Columns Registry entry
Specify which fields should be excluded when copying data from a Ditto record.
Do Not Print When Pending Registry entry
Specifies whether a certificate can be printed from a registration on which a maintenance is pending.
Document Abbreviations Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between document names stored in the legacy Companies system with those used in Vitalware.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Companies Registry.
A Convert Registry entry defines how a document is converted from one format to another when a document is added to the Multimedia repository. The Documents Registry entry enables the conversion for a user / group (or system-wide).
Double Key Clear Registry entry
Specifies fields (which are part of a hierarchy) that should be cleared of any values when double keying commences.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Double Key In Order Registry entry
Specifies whether fields must be keyed in the order given by a Double Key Skip Columns Registry entry with a minus (-) entry.
Double Key Maintenance Columns Registry entry
Specifies which columns need to be double keyed before applying a maintenance.
Double Key Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on the double keying status for a particular product.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Double Key Skip Columns Registry entry
Specifies columns which either must be double keyed or which do not need to be double keyed.
Duplicate Check Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields to use to check for duplicates of a record being entered and creates the Duplicate Check menu item.
Edit Any Language Registry entry
Specify whether users can alter data when a single language is displayed in a multi-language environment.
Specifies the command to be run to send a certificate copy as an email.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies the exchange rate for international payment transactions for each payment type (Che
Expedited Products Registry entry
Specifies the product code for one or more expedited products (i.e. the customer has paid a fee to expedite the order). An order that contains an Expedited Product has greater priority in the order processing queue (moving ahead of orders that do not contain an Expedited Product).
Note: Only for use by Service New Brunswick.
Specifies the command for exporting data from a Texpress database to certificate printing routines.
Specifies a label and associated field mappings for Recipient Details or Sender Details when processing (generating or recording) correspondence using the Communications module.
Format Registry entry (field specific)
Format Registry entry (System-wide)
Franked Payment Types Registry entry
Specifies a list of payment types that require the payment to be franked by the impact printer.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Free Issue Conditions Registry entry
Specifies a condition that must be satisfied in order for a certificate to be issued free of charge.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Free Product Codes Registry entry
Sets the Payment Status of a free certificate (in the certificate's record in the Certificates module) to FREE
Note: Only for use by the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Gender Change Fields Registry entry
Specifies which fields in a Births record are not copied to the new Births record when a Gender Change is processed.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Create a group and add a user to one or more groups.
HasBookingRestrictions Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can book a marriage service outside of the Registry defined booking periods.
Identifies a group of users as using the Electronic Birth Certificate (EBC) system.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Identifier Format Registry entry
Specify a naming convention for multimedia files added to the multimedia repository.
Ignore Address Change Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a second verification of postal data will occur when a number change is made to an address that was entered after a lookup of the Postal Code database.
Note: Only used in Canadian Registries.
Specify an image (and sound and hint if required) to display along with Summary Data in a module window.
Image File Extension Registry entry
Specify the default file type, compression and quality for all images scanned using a twain device, and whether these values may be changed at the time of scanning.
Specify the maximum size of images to display to a user by default. Size is either file size in kilobytes or width and height in pixels.
Images|Include/Exclude Registry entries
Specify image formats to include in / exclude from the list of image formats available in
Immediate Courier Fees Registry entry
Specifies an immediate fee code and an associated courier fee code.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Immediate Print Registry entry
Specifies that a certificate will be printed as soon as the user / group processes the order and saves the record.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Impact Printer Slip Count Registry entry
Specifies the number of certificate applications that will be impact printed before the user is asked whether the next certificate application(s) will be impact printed now or later.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Impact Printer Newline Count Registry entry
Specifies how far down a page printing should commence when using a slip tray for impact printing.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Impact Printer Payment Format Registry entry
Specifies an output format for payment details where impact printing is available.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Specifies that if an order contains more than one product type, the white copies are printed together rather than separated out from each other when batch printing.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Insert Defaults Registry entry
Specify a set of values to display by default in a module when the module enters New mode. One or more sets of default values can be specified.
Insert Defaults Selected Registry entry
Specify which set of default values specified in an Insert Defaults Registry entry is currently active for a user / group.
Insert Defaults Skip Columns Registry entry
Specify fields that should not have a default value assigned to them in New mode.
Insert Lookup Show Hidden Registry entry
Specify whether Hidden
values in a Lookup List are visible to users when in New and Edit modes.
Insert Tab Order Registry entry
Specify the order of tabs in Display, New and Edit modes.
Insert Tab Order Selected Registry entry
Specify which sequence of tabs defined in an Insert Tab Order Registry entry is active for a user / group in Display, New and Edit modes.
Specify a range of numbers for the Internal Record Number (IRN).
Keying Duplicate Check Registry entry
Specifies which Duplicate Check Registry entry is used to check for duplicates as a record is being keyed.
LastCertificate Registry entry
Holds the name of the last certificate printed by a user.
Records the title of, and column(s) in, a List View. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a new List View is specified in a module.)
List Columns Selected Registry entry
Records which List View a user has selected in a module. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a List View is selected from the Choose List box - View>List Settings>Choose List.)
Specifies in which office location a worker is based.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Specify a message to display when users log in to
Specify permissions for fields with a Lookup List.
Specify that a value entered into a Lookup List field must match exactly with an existing value in the Lookup List.
Defines the type and subtype (labels which display as the Sample Menu entries), the number of records to be selected randomly for a sample, and how many records can fail the quality assurance process before the entire batch is rejected.
Maintenance Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies conditions that must be met before a maintenance can be performed.
Maintenance Skip Columns Registry entry
Specifies fields to skip when comparing a maintenance record with a current record.
Maintenance History Fields Registry entry
Specifies fields that contain the same value across historic and current versions of a record.
Maintenance Type ReadOnly Fields Registry entry
Specifies which maintenance fields are read-only when the specified type of maintenance is being processed.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specify that a field is mandatory and must be completed before a record can be saved.
Mandatory Modifier Registry entry
Modify the mandatory setting for a field (set using the Mandatory Registry entry) based on data found in the current record.
Mandatory Product Columns Registry entry
Specifies columns that must be completed for a particular product when processing an order through POS.
Marriage Booking Locations Registry entry
Specifies a list of locations where the Vital Records Office performs civil marriage services.
Marriage Booking Times Registry entry
Specifies what Marriage Booking time slots are available for a particular day.
Marriage Rebooking Product Registry entry
Specifies the product code for rebooking a Vital Records Office performed marriage service.
MarriageSlotTimes Registry entry
Specifies the time slots available for Registry Office performed marriage services.
Specifies fields to display in the Matchlists module when potential matching records between two databases are found.
Specify the maximum size of media that users are able to access in
Specifies the maximum amount of an overpayment for which a refund will not be issued unless requested (in other words anything less than this overpayment value will not be refunded unless requested).
Specifies the maximum amount of an underpayment for which the order will still be shipped.
Specify what metadata is copied from a master image to any derived images (resolutions) stored in
Metadata|Extract Registry entry
Specify what metadata is extracted from an image and stored in
Minimum Available Space Registry entry
Generates a warning message when the space remaining in a database reaches a specified threshold.
Module Certificate Print Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group is permitted to print directly from one or more Registration modules.
Multimedia|Operations Registry entry
Assign permissions to users / groups for managing image resolutions and document formats.
Multiple Languages Registry entry
Specify whether a field is multilingual and therefore affected by the other Language Registry entries.
Associate a person's actual name with their
Name Reservation Period Registry entry
Specifies the number of days available to register a company / business once a reserved name has been approved.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Companies Registry.
Next Cheque Number Registry entry
Holds the number of the che
Specifies whether building information (the building name, tower name, etc.) is ignored when addresses are queried against Canada Post postal data.
Note: Only used in Canadian Registries.
No Record Product Code Registry entry
Specifies the product code that matches the product which is a Certificate of No Record.
Old Address Format Registry entry
Specifies whether addresses are stored using the same data structure as Canada Post postal data (false) or whether an old address format is used in which the whole address is stored as a single field (true).
Note: Only used in Canadian Registries.
Assign permissions to users / groups on a per table basis.
Parentage Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields copied from a (surrogate) Births Registration to a new Births record generated when Parentage Orders are processed.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies the reference to a Parties record for a particular Hospital group.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Password Command Registry entry
Specifies which password authentication script is used when supervisor authori
Paternity Types Registry entry
Specifies a list of types of paternity affidavit.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Payment Shortcut Registry entry
Specifies which set of fields is associated with each Payment Type on the Payments tab of the POS module.
Payment Text Format Registry entry
Specifies the format of the payment lines that print on a receipt.
Specifies a penalty fee to be applied if a document is not filed with the Companies Registry within the expected filing time.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Companies Registry.
Physical Location Registry entry
Records which Register Till (the Till location) a user last signed on to: next time the user signs on to the Till, the Location is automatically selected in the Location drop list.
Note: Only for use by the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
POB Column Mappings Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between one or more tags (child, mother, father, deceased) which can be referenced in a Letter template, to various pieces of information about the subject's place of birth stored in any (appropriate) module.
POB Order Columns Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between one or more tags (child, mother, father) which can be referenced in a Letter template, and a column in the Orders module which holds details about the subject of the tag's place of birth.
Pos Attach Page Registry entry
Specifies which fields (Civil or Companies) are available when attaching records to a product in a POS transaction.Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Companies Registry.
Postal Query Enabled Registry entry
Specifies whether or not Canada Post postal data is queried when users enter values in address fields.
Note: Only used in Canadian Registries.
Print Certificate Status Registry entry
Specifies different order statuses that allow certificates to be printed.
Specifies a command used to process anything sent to a printer.
Print Locations Registry entry
Specifies the physical locations in which certificates can be printed.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Specify multimedia print layouts.
Print Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on a value in a column for a particular product.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Printer (Default) Registry entry
Specifies the default printer for a user.
Printer (System) Registry entry
Specifies the name, type and paper sizes for a printer, and trays for each available certificate type (certtype).
Printer Location Registry entry
Specifies which PC and printer are paired together, disabling the option to specify any other printer.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Specifies the different types of printer available.
Printing Images Registry entry
Specifies whether certificate images can be printed from within Vitalware.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Processes Work Queue Registry entry
Specifies users / groups with access to any work processes in the POS and Registration modules that depend on queuing, e.g. sampling, web orders, etc.
Processing Time Registry entry
Specifies the time at which a Registration record should be linked to a POS record and any certificates printed when processing a transaction in POS.
Production Slip Delay Registry entry
Specifies a period of time (prior to the current date). If a certificate is ordered for an event that occurred during the specified period of time, a production slip is not required.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Prohibited Names Registry entry
Specifies names / terms that cannot be used in a Company Name.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Companies Registry.
Public Holidays Registry entry
Specifies a list of public holidays that occur throughout the year.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Specify a set of values to display by default in a module when the module enters Search mode. One or more sets of default values can be specified.
Query Defaults Selected Registry entry
Specify which set of default values specified in a Query Defaults Registry entry is currently active for a user / group.
Query Defaults Skip Columns Registry entry
Specify fields that should not have a default value assigned to them in Search mode.
Specifies which columns in a registration module are queried with the values entered into the POS Event Details fields depending on the product ordered.
Query Lookup Show Hidden Registry entry
Specify whether Hidden
values in a Lookup List are visible to users when in Search (Query) mode.
Query Tab Order Registry entry
Specify the order of tabs in Search mode.
Query Tab Order Selected Registry entry
Specify which sequence of tabs defined in a Query Tab Order Registry entry is active for a user / group in Search mode.
Queue Stock Numbers Registry entry
Specifies whether stock numbers will be processed in real time or batched for later processing.
Define range buckets for a field (i.e. when fine-tuning Range Indexing).
ReadOnly (System) Registry entry
Specify that the entire system is read-only.
ReadOnly (Table) Registry entry
Specify that one or more (database) tables are read-only.
Recall Skip Columns Registry entry
Specify which fields should not be updated when applying a record recall.
Recent List Length Registry entry
Specify the maximum number of records to be stored as Ditto records in the Ditto box.
Receipt Printer Name Registry entry
Specifies the name of a Receipt printer. This entry is used to inform Vitalware of a Receipt printer that replaces one that was hard-coded into Vitalware.
Receipt Text Format Registry entry
Specifies the format of the product lines that print on a receipt.
Record Security Stock Registry entry
Specifies whether or not stock numbers are recorded as part of the certificate audit.
Record Status Mapping Registry entry
Maps record statuses defined by the Queensland Registry to default record statuses in Vitalware. Required to ensure the correct processing of registrations and orders, which are governed by the default record statuses defined in Vitalware.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Refund Counter Over Registry entry
Specifies whether an over payment at the Counter may be converted into a refund.
Specifies a reason for a refund and the text to be used when a refund is issued.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies the name of the current Registrar to be recorded on Registrations.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies whether a citizen of Trinidad & Tobago can have their first free certificate re-issued.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Replacement Product Codes Registry entry
Sets the Payment Status of a replacement certificate (in the certificate's record in the Certificates module) to REPLACEMENT
Note: Only for use by the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Records a title for a report, the type of report it is, the fields to export, and the name of a file used by an external viewer to display the report. Several Report entries may exist for each module. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a Report is selected from the Reports box - Tools>Reports.)
Enables data to be extracted from a record and passed to a script for processing. It is most often used for fast report generation, however it may be that the script simply manipulates the data and saves it for another process to pick up (e.g. converting data to csv format).
Report Selected Registry entry
Records which Report was last selected and run by a user in a module. This report will be selected by default when the user accesses the Reports box. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a Report is selected from the Reports box - Tools>Reports.)
Specify whether a column can be included in a report.
Reports (System-wide)
- Reports|Action Registry entry
- Reports|Extension Registry entry
- Reports|Filter Registry entry
- Reports|Media Filter Registry entry
- Reports|Name Registry entry
- Reports|Type Registry entry
Specify partitions for the Multimedia Repository and group access to the partitions.
Repository|Default Registry entry
Specifies a default for the Repository: (Characteristics) field of a multimedia record.
Repository|List Registry entry
Specifies restrictions for the querying of multimedia repositories.
Reset LinkGrids Registry entry
Specifies that when the cursor is in a table when a new record is added, the cursor will display in the top left cell of the table (rather than remaining in the last cell in which it was located).
Specify what resolutions are automatically generated when an image is added to a Multimedia record.
Specify a resource (a string) that points to a document (local or web) or search engine from a module.
Restrict Registration Edit Months Registry entry
Specifies the period of time that registrations staff are able to edit registrations after they have been inserted.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Sample Replicated Environment Registry entry
Specifies the environment (e.g. the production environment) into which a batch of samples records will be transmitted once they have passed the QA process.
Scan Into Envelope Registry entry
Specifies whether barcode checking is being performed between the 2D certificate barcode and address slip barcode to ensure a certificate is going to the correct address.
Note: Used in the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division and the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
(Record Level) Security Registry entry
Refine the three standard Record Level Security permissions, Display
, Edit
, Delete
, and apply the special Insert
Record Level Security permission.To modify Record Level Security settings a user must have (or be a member of a group that has) the Operations Registry entry permission .
Security Stock Padding Registry entry
Specifies the number of characters in certificate security stock serial numbers.
Security|Update Registry entry
Update the contents of one or more fields in the current record when the record is saved if a condition is met (a given value is in a field in the current record). Often (but not exclusively) used to modify Record Level Security security fields.
Security Stock Padding Registry entry
Specifies the number of characters in certificate security stock serial numbers.
Specifies whether details of payments made in POS should be sent through to the CCR Financial system for recording and receipting.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
ServerMediaPath Registry entry
Specify the location for multimedia files on the server.
Records the pathway to the directory in which
Set|Property (Resolution) Registry entry
Specify extra (perhaps missing) properties in the metadata of a master image in order to generate a resolution with those properties. The properties become part of the resolution's metadata and are not stored in the master image.
Records which fields are included in a Shortcuts View. (This entry is System generated, although it can be manually entered into the Registry.)
Shortcut List Selected Registry entry
Records which Shortcut List is currently in use. (This is a System generated Registry entry.)
Show Contact Sheet Numbers Registry entry
Specify whether a count of the number of multimedia items associated with a record displays in the second line beneath a thumbnail when viewing records in Contact Sheet View.
Show Contact Sheet Text Registry entry
Specify whether descriptive text is displayed in the first line beneath an image when viewing records in Contact Sheet view.
Show Empty Delimiters Registry entry
In a multi-language environment, specify whether the delimiter will display in an empty field. Used in conjunction with the Show Trailing Delimiters Registry entry.
Show First Filled Registry entry
In a multi-language environment, specify whether to display data in the first language that has data if there is no data in the display language selected.
Show Multimedia Images Registry entry
- The image will automatically display as the record is displayed
- The image will automatically display as the record is displayed but only when using the Sampling function.
Show Printer Dialogue Registry entry
Specifies that the printer dialog
Show Trailing Delimiters Registry entry
Specify whether the language delimiter sequence should be displayed for trailing languages when there are no values in the trailing languages in a multi-language environment. This entry can be used in conjunction with the Show Empty Delimiters Registry entry to display every delimiter in every field even if there is no data in the field.
Show Validation Errors Registry entry
Specifies that fields with validation errors are highlighted using a colo
Skip Password Verification Registry entry
Specifies that verification of supervisor passwords may be skipped.
Records what columns to sort, and whether to sort in ascending or descending order. (This Registry entry is generated and maintained by the System when a Sort is defined in a module).
Records which Sort is currently selected by a user. (This Registry entry is generated and maintained by the System when a Sort is selected in a module).
Special Products Registry entry
Specifies the product code for one or more products deemed to be "special". As with Expedited Products, an order that contains a "special" product has greater priority in the processing queue (an order with a "special product" is assigned the highest queue priority, moving ahead of orders with an Expedited Product and pick-up orders).
Note: Only for use by Service New Brunswick.
Specify which fields to spellcheck when the
Specifies a report to be printed when the status for an order is set to a particular value.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Stock Product Codes Registry entry
Specifies the product codes for those products which a Registry Office wishes to track / record stock.
Specifies which type of security stock is used to print each type of certificate, and allows Vitalware to monitor stock levels and provide an alert when stock levels are running low.
Specifies a list of users with supervisor privileges.
Specify which tables (modules) can be accessed by users / groups.
Tabs Registry entry (Tab Switching)
Takings Direction Registry entry
Specifies which payment types should be debited and which payment types credited when totalling payments.
Temporary Printer Registry entry
System generated Registry entry that records which printer a user will use for their next print only. This entry is generated by the System when a user selects a printer from the Print>Select Printer Menu.
Thumbnail|Quality Registry entry
Specify the compression quality of thumbnails generated when adding images to the Multimedia module.
Specifies the quantity of a particular denomination for a Till's starting float.
Specifies separate business areas that use a Till.
TillPaymentTypes Registry entry
Specifies the order in which payment types are displayed in a signed-off Till record.
Specify the format in which times will display in a client when retrieved from a database.
Specify an alternative display name for a field when records are displayed in List View and for column headings in a table in Details View.
Used when copying data from a record in one module to a record in another module using the Transmit menu option: specifies a mapping where the name of the From column is different to the name of the To column.
Specifies a list of fields to skip when copying data from one record to another using the Transmit menu option.
Specify that a column or a combination of columns must be unique in order to save a record, and a message to be displayed if uniqueness is violated.
Unique Override Registry entry
Specify that a user / group can save a record even if a Unique Registry entry specifies that a column or a combination of columns must be unique in order to save a record and that column or combination of columns is not unique.
Specify whether unique checks should be performed on a column that has been defined as unique on the server (in the table schema itself or using a Unique Index Registry entry). By default all unique columns are checked for uniqueness. With this entry it is possible to override the uniqueness check.
Specify whether the last record saved automatically becomes the active Ditto record.
Specify the minimum version of a client to run with a server.
View Attachments Registry entry
Specify a module name to be added to the View>Attachments menu from a module Menu bar.
View Forward Days Registry entry
Specifies how many days in advance can be viewed in the marriage bookings timetable.
Specifies how many days in the past can be viewed in the marriage bookings timetable.
Specifies a list of tables that receive input from web interfaces.
Specifies the menu label for a work queue (which will display as a sub menu of Process>Work Queue) and the conditions to be met in order for records to be included in the work queue.
Work Queue Sort Registry entry
Specifies a sort order for a work queue.

<Attachment Control Name> Registry entry
Specifies restrictions for the attachment of external Parties records to a Registration so that only records valid for the time frame of the record can be attached.
Specifies whether events are automatically attached to POS transactions if a single matching event is found.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Specify additional search terms to be used when making an attachment and querying for the matching attachment record.
Specifies which columns in a registration module are queried with the values entered into the POS Event Details fields depending on the product ordered.
View Attachments Registry entry
Specify a module name to be added to the View>Attachments menu from a module Menu bar.

Specifies an association between groups of products to be batched and a printer.
Continue Batch Process After Error Registry entry
Specifies whether processing of a batch continues with the next record when an error is encountered with a record, or whether processing of the batch is halted.
Specifies whether a citizen of Trinidad & Tobago can have their first free certificate re-issued.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.

Adoption Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields that are copied from a pre-adoptive registration to a post-adoptive registration when an adoption occurs.
Can Add Parentage Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to add Parentage Orders (i.e. surrogate births).
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies users / groups who are able to process adoptions.
Can Cancel Adoption Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to cancel adoptions that were processed by mistake.
Can Cancel Gender Change Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group is able to process the reversal of a change of gender for a Registration in the Births module.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Can Cancel Parentage Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to cancel Parentage Orders that were added by mistake.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Can Change Gender Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group is able to process a change of gender for a Registration in the Births module.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Change of Name Types Registry entry
Specifies a list of different types of Change Of Name supported by a Vital Records Office.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Gender Change Fields Registry entry
Specifies which fields in a Births record are not copied to the new Births record when a Gender Change is processed.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Parentage Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields copied from a (surrogate) Births Registration to a new Births record generated when Parentage Orders are processed.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Paternity Types Registry entry
Specifies a list of types of paternity affidavit.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies whether a citizen of Trinidad & Tobago can have their first free certificate re-issued.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.

Age Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on the subject's age.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Allowed Certificates Registry entry
Specifies which certificates a user / group is permitted to print from the POS module.
Specifies a list of certificates which can be printed and emailed to a remote office.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Allowed Empty For Printing Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields on the Electronic Birth Certificate that may be left empty when printing a paper copy of the certificate.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Allowed Module Certificates Registry entry
Specifies which certificates a user / group can print directly from a Registration module.
Cancel Certificate Status Registry entry
Specifies that certificates which have already been issued for a record are flagged as cance
Associates a certificate with a type. The type is referenced by a Printer Registry entry that specifies which tray the type is printed from.
Certificate Edit Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields included in a certificate that may be edited at print time in order that they fit on a small certificate.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Certificate Limits Registry entry
Specifies a limit to the number of each type of certificate which can be issued per Registration before the operator is notified when another certificate of the same type is ordered.
Note: Only for use by Service New Brunswick.
Certificate Types Registry entry
Specifies which product types are certificates and should therefore be processed by the certificate sub-system when ordered.
Check For Deceased Registry entry
Specifies that when a birth certificate is ordered for a deceased subject, a pop-up alert will indicate that the subject is deceased.
Configuring remote locations Registry entry
Specifies printer and email settings for use in remote registry office locations in Tasmania.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Do Not Print When Pending Registry entry
Specifies whether a certificate can be printed from a registration on which a maintenance is pending.
Double Key Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on the double keying status for a particular product.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Specifies the command to be run to send a certificate copy as an email.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies the command for exporting data from a Texpress database to certificate printing routines.
Free Issue Conditions Registry entry
Specifies a condition that must be satisfied in order for a certificate to be issued free of charge.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Free Product Codes Registry entry
Sets the Payment Status of a free certificate (in the certificate's record in the Certificates module) to FREE
Note: Only for use by the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Immediate Print Registry entry
Specifies that a certificate will be printed as soon as the user / group processes the order and saves the record.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Impact Printer Slip Count Registry entry
Specifies the number of certificate applications that will be impact printed before the user is asked whether the next certificate application(s) will be impact printed now or later.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
LastCertificate Registry entry
Holds the name of the last certificate printed by a user.
Module Certificate Print Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group is permitted to print directly from one or more Registration modules.
Print Certificate Status Registry entry
Specifies different order statuses that allow certificates to be printed.
Print Locations Registry entry
Specifies the physical locations in which certificates can be printed.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Print Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on a value in a column for a particular product.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Production Slip Delay Registry entry
Specifies a period of time (prior to the current date). If a certificate is ordered for an event that occurred during the specified period of time, a production slip is not required.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies whether a citizen of Trinidad & Tobago can have their first free certificate re-issued.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Replacement Product Codes Registry entry
Sets the Payment Status of a replacement certificate (in the certificate's record in the Certificates module) to REPLACEMENT
Note: Only for use by the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Scan Into Envelope Registry entry
Specifies whether barcode checking is being performed between the 2D certificate barcode and address slip barcode to ensure a certificate is going to the correct address.
Note: Used in the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division and the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Specifies which type of security stock is used to print each type of certificate, and allows Vitalware to monitor stock levels and provide an alert when stock levels are running low.

Defines a checklist to display on the Lists tab when a particular value is entered in a field.

Specify the background colo
Specify the default font family and font size for
Format Registry entry (field specific)
Specify an image (and sound and hint if required) to display along with Summary Data in a module window.
Insert Defaults Registry entry
Specify a set of values to display by default in a module when the module enters New mode. One or more sets of default values can be specified.
Insert Defaults Selected Registry entry
Specify which set of default values specified in an Insert Defaults Registry entry is currently active for a user / group.
Insert Defaults Skip Columns Registry entry
Specify fields that should not have a default value assigned to them in New mode.
Specify a range of numbers for the Internal Record Number (IRN).
Specify that a field is mandatory and must be completed before a record can be saved.
Mandatory Modifier Registry entry
Modify the mandatory setting for a field (set using the Mandatory Registry entry) based on data found in the current record.
POB Column Mappings Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between one or more tags (child, mother, father, deceased) which can be referenced in a Letter template, to various pieces of information about the subject's place of birth stored in any (appropriate) module.
POB Order Columns Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between one or more tags (child, mother, father) which can be referenced in a Letter template, and a column in the Orders module which holds details about the subject of the tag's place of birth.
Specify a set of values to display by default in a module when the module enters Search mode. One or more sets of default values can be specified.
Query Defaults Selected Registry entry
Specify which set of default values specified in a Query Defaults Registry entry is currently active for a user / group.
Query Defaults Skip Columns Registry entry
Specify fields that should not have a default value assigned to them in Search mode.
Specify whether a column can be included in a report.
Specify which fields to spellcheck when the
Specify that a column or a combination of columns must be unique in order to save a record, and a message to be displayed if uniqueness is violated.
Unique Override Registry entry
Specify that a user / group can save a record even if a Unique Registry entry specifies that a column or a combination of columns must be unique in order to save a record and that column or combination of columns is not unique.
Specify whether unique checks should be performed on a column that has been defined as unique on the server (in the table schema itself or using a Unique Index Registry entry). By default all unique columns are checked for uniqueness. With this entry it is possible to override the uniqueness check.

Specifies a label and associated field mappings for Recipient Details or Sender Details when processing (generating or recording) correspondence using the Communications module.
POB Column Mappings Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between one or more tags (child, mother, father, deceased) which can be referenced in a Letter template, to various pieces of information about the subject's place of birth stored in any (appropriate) module.
POB Order Columns Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between one or more tags (child, mother, father) which can be referenced in a Letter template, and a column in the Orders module which holds details about the subject of the tag's place of birth.
Show Printer Dialogue Registry entry
Specifies that the printer dialog

Note: The following Registry entries are only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Companies Registry.
Document Abbreviations Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between document names stored in the legacy Companies system with those used in Vitalware.
Name Reservation Period Registry entry
Specifies the number of days available to register a company / business once a reserved name has been approved.
Specifies a penalty fee to be applied if a document is not filed with the Companies Registry within the expected filing time.
Pos Attach Page Registry entry
Specifies which fields (Civil or Companies) are available when attaching records to a product in a POS transaction.
Prohibited Names Registry entry
Specifies names / terms that cannot be used in a Company Name.

Show Contact Sheet Text Registry entry
Specify whether descriptive text is displayed in the first line beneath an image when viewing records in Contact Sheet view.
Contact Sheet Text Registry entries
Specify what text to display in the first line beneath an image when viewing records in Contact Sheet view. The text is drawn from a column named in this Registry entry.
Show Contact Sheet Numbers Registry entry
Specify whether a count of the number of multimedia items associated with a record displays in the second line beneath a thumbnail when viewing records in Contact Sheet View.
Contact Sheet Hint Registry entry
Build a hint string to be displayed in the module Status bar when a mouse cursor hovers over a thumbnail in Contact Sheet View. The hint string is built from one or more columns listed in this Registry entry.

Clear Reverse Hierarchy Registry entry
Specifies whether to clear Lookup List hierarchies when double keying.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Disable Tab Stops Registry entry
Specifies whether read-only fields are skipped when tabbing through fields.
Double Key Clear Registry entry
Specifies fields (which are part of a hierarchy) that should be cleared of any values when double keying commences.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Double Key In Order Registry entry
Specifies whether fields must be keyed in the order given by a Double Key Skip Columns Registry entry with a minus (-) entry.
Double Key Maintenance Columns Registry entry
Specifies which columns need to be double keyed before applying a maintenance.
Double Key Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on the double keying status for a particular product.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Double Key Skip Columns Registry entry
Specifies columns which either must be double keyed or which do not need to be double keyed.
Duplicate Check Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields to use to check for duplicates of a record being entered and creates the Duplicate Check menu item.
Keying Duplicate Check Registry entry
Specifies which Duplicate Check Registry entry is used to check for duplicates as a record is being keyed.

Specifies the command for exporting data from a Texpress database to certificate printing routines.
Minimum Available Space Registry entry
Generates a warning message when the space remaining in a database reaches a specified threshold.

Allow Special Dates Registry entry
Specifies that a user / group can enter a special (non-standard) date in a date field.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Public Holidays Registry entry
Specifies a list of public holidays that occur throughout the year.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.

Insert Defaults Registry entry
Specify a set of values to display by default in a module when the module enters New mode. One or more sets of default values can be specified.
Insert Defaults Skip Columns Registry entry
Specify fields that should not have a default value assigned to them in New mode.
Insert Defaults Selected Registry entry
Specify which set of default values specified in an Insert Defaults Registry entry is currently active for a user / group.
Specify a set of values to display by default in a module when the module enters Search mode. One or more sets of default values can be specified.
Query Defaults Skip Columns Registry entry
Specify fields that should not have a default value assigned to them in Search mode.
Query Defaults Selected Registry entry
Specify which set of default values specified in a Query Defaults Registry entry is currently active for a user / group.

Contact Sheet Hint Registry entry
Build a hint string to be displayed in the module Status bar when a mouse cursor hovers over a thumbnail in Contact Sheet View. The hint string is built from one or more columns listed in this Registry entry.
Contact Sheet Text Registry entries
Specify what text to display in the first line beneath an image when viewing records in Contact Sheet view. The text is drawn from a column named in this Registry entry.
Records the title of, and column(s) in, a List View. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a new List View is specified in a module.)
List Columns Selected Registry entry
Records which List View a user has selected in a module. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a List View is selected from the Choose List box - View>List Settings>Choose List.)
Records which fields are included in a Shortcuts View. (This entry is System generated, although it can be manually entered into the Registry.)
Shortcut List Selected Registry entry
Records which Shortcut List is currently in use. (This is a System generated Registry entry.)
Show Contact Sheet Numbers Registry entry
Specify whether a count of the number of multimedia items associated with a record displays in the second line beneath a thumbnail when viewing records in Contact Sheet View.
Show Contact Sheet Text Registry entry
Specify whether descriptive text is displayed in the first line beneath an image when viewing records in Contact Sheet view.
Specify an alternative display name for a field when records are displayed in List View and for column headings in a table in Details View.

Ditto Skip Columns Registry entry
Specify which fields should be excluded when copying data from a Ditto record.
Recent List Length Registry entry
Specify the maximum number of records to be stored as Ditto records in the Ditto box.
Specify whether the last record saved automatically becomes the active Ditto record.

Allowed Empty For Printing Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields on the Electronic Birth Certificate that may be left empty when printing a paper copy of the certificate.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Can Unlock Records Registry entry
Specifies a list of users who can unlock locked EBC Certificate records.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Identifies a group of users as using the Electronic Birth Certificate (EBC) system.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Specifies the reference to a Parties record for a particular Hospital group.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.

Specifies whether users / groups can write-off a bad debt.
Cash Payment Types Registry entry
Specifies payment types that are to be treated as cash.
Specifies the total number of digits in a che
Cheque Text Width Registry entry
Specifies the length of a che
Specifies a list of payment types that are credit cards.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Currency Rounding Registry entry
Specifies the smallest denomination of currency available.
Specifies the exchange rate for international payment transactions for each payment type (Che
Specifies the maximum amount of an overpayment for which a refund will not be issued unless requested (in other words anything less than this overpayment value will not be refunded unless requested).
Specifies the maximum amount of an underpayment for which the order will still be shipped.
Specifies whether details of payments made in POS should be sent through to the CCR Financial system for recording and receipting.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Takings Direction Registry entry
Specifies which payment types should be debited and which payment types credited when totalling payments.

Specify a circa period (a start and an end date) and a title for the period.
Specify the format for dates entered into fields that have a Date data type.
Specify the format in which dates will display in a field in a module when retrieved from a database. Only affects fields that have a Date data type.
Specify the format in which times will display in a client when retrieved from a database.

Define range buckets for a field (i.e. when fine-tuning Range Indexing).

Records the pathway to the directory in which

Specify the marker that separates each language in a field in a multi-language environment.
Edit Any Language Registry entry
Specify whether users can alter data when a single language is displayed in a multi-language environment.
Multiple Languages Registry entry
Specify whether a field is multilingual and therefore affected by the other Language Registry entries.
Show Empty Delimiters Registry entry
Show First Filled Registry entry
In a multi-language environment, specify whether to display data in the first language that has data if there is no data in the display language selected.
Show Trailing Delimiters Registry entry

Records the title of, and column(s) in, a List View. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a new List View is specified in a module.)
List Columns Selected Registry entry
Records which List View a user has selected in a module. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a List View is selected from the Choose List box - View>List Settings>Choose List.)
Specify an alternative display name for a field when records are displayed in List View and for column headings in a table in Details View.

Specifies whether a single matching query to the Locations module should automatically populate the address fields or whether it should be displayed for the user to select it.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.

Change Password Registry entry
Specify whether password changing is supported.
Specify a message to display when users log in to

Specify permissions for fields with a Lookup List.
Specify that a value entered into a Lookup List field must match exactly with an existing value in the Lookup List.
Insert Lookup Show Hidden Registry entry
Specify whether Hidden
values in a Lookup List are visible to users when in New and Edit modes.
Query Lookup Show Hidden Registry entry
Specify whether Hidden
values in a Lookup List are visible to users when in Search (Query) mode.
Enable / disable automated filling of hierarchy fields.

Can Apply Maintenance Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can apply a maintenance (i.e. complete a maintenance transaction).
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Can Undo Maintenances Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group can undo the last maintenance that was applied.
Cancel Certificate Status Registry entry
Specifies that certificates which have already been issued for a record are flagged as cance
Change of Name Products Registry entry
Specifies a list of product codes that are maintenances of type Change Of Name.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Do Not Print When Pending Registry entry
Specifies whether a certificate can be printed from a registration on which a maintenance is pending.
Double Key Maintenance Columns Registry entry
Specifies which columns need to be double keyed before applying a maintenance.
Maintenance History Fields Registry entry
Specifies fields that contain the same value across historic and current versions of a record.
Maintenance Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies conditions that must be met before a maintenance can be performed.
Maintenance Skip Columns Registry entry
Specifies fields to skip when comparing a maintenance record with a current record.
Maintenance Type ReadOnly Fields Registry entry
Specifies which maintenance fields are read-only when the specified type of maintenance is being processed.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

Specifies the list of fields that define a Marriage Booking.
Booking Surcharge Product Registry entry
Specifies the product code for a booking surcharge fee.
HasBookingRestrictions Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can book a marriage service outside of the Registry defined booking periods.
Marriage Booking Locations Registry entry
Specifies a list of locations where the Vital Records Office performs civil marriage services.
Marriage Booking Times Registry entry
Specifies what Marriage Booking time slots are available for a particular day.
Marriage Rebooking Product Registry entry
Specifies the product code for rebooking a Vital Records Office performed marriage service.
MarriageSlotTimes Registry entry
Specifies the time slots available for Registry Office performed marriage services.
View Forward Days Registry entry
Specifies how many days in advance can be viewed in the marriage bookings timetable.
Specifies how many days in the past can be viewed in the marriage bookings timetable.

Cross Match Databases Registry entry
Specifies one or more tables that can be queried when a cross match query is performed from the current module.
Specifies fields to display in the Matchlists module when potential matching records between two databases are found.

Duplicate Check Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields to use to check for duplicates of a record being entered and creates the Duplicate Check menu item.
Defines the type and subtype (labels which display as the Sample Menu entries), the number of records to be selected randomly for a sample, and how many records can fail the quality assurance process before the entire batch is rejected.
Specify a resource (a string) that points to a document (local or web) or search engine from a module.
Used when copying data from a record in one module to a record in another module using the Transmit menu option: specifies a mapping where the name of the From column is different to the name of the To column.
Specifies a list of fields to skip when copying data from one record to another using the Transmit menu option.
Specifies the menu label for a work queue (which will display as a sub menu of Process>Work Queue) and the conditions to be met in order for records to be included in the work queue.

Colours|Maximum Size Registry entry
A Convert Registry entry defines how a document is converted from one format to another when a document is added to the Multimedia repository. The Documents Registry entry enables the conversion for a user / group (or system-wide).
Identifier Format Registry entry
Specify a naming convention for multimedia files added to the multimedia repository.
Image File Extension Registry entry
Specify the default file type, compression and quality for all images scanned using a twain device, and whether these values may be changed at the time of scanning.
Specify the maximum size of images to display to a user by default. Size is either file size in kilobytes or width and height in pixels.
Images|Include/Exclude Registry entries
Specify image formats to include in / exclude from the list of image formats available in
Specify the maximum size of media that users are able to access in
Specify what metadata is copied from a master image to any derived images (resolutions) stored in
Metadata|Extract Registry entry
Specify what metadata is extracted from an image and stored in
Multimedia|Operations Registry entry
Assign permissions to users / groups for managing image resolutions and document formats.
Specify multimedia print layouts.
Specify partitions for the Multimedia Repository and group access to the partitions.
Repository|Default Registry entry
Specifies a default for the Repository: (Characteristics) field of a multimedia record.
Repository|List Registry entry
Specifies restrictions for the querying of multimedia repositories.
Specify what resolutions are automatically generated when an image is added to a Multimedia record.
ServerMediaPath Registry entry
Specify the location for multimedia files on the server.
Set|Property (Resolution) Registry entry
Specify extra (perhaps missing) properties in the metadata of a master image in order to generate a resolution with those properties. The properties become part of the resolution's metadata and are not stored in the master image.
Show Multimedia Images Registry entry
- The image will automatically display as the record is displayed
- The image will automatically display as the record is displayed but only when using the Sampling function.
Thumbnail|Quality Registry entry
Specify the compression quality of thumbnails generated when adding images to the Multimedia module.

Can Edit Status Registry entry
Specifies a list of users who are able to change the Status of an order.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies whether users / groups can write-off a bad debt.
Specifies that if an order contains more than one product type, the white copies are printed together rather than separated out from each other when batch printing.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Receipt Text Format Registry entry
Specifies the format of the product lines that print on a receipt.
Specifies a reason for a refund and the text to be used when a refund is issued.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies a report to be printed when the status for an order is set to a particular value.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Takings Direction Registry entry
Specifies which payment types should be debited and which payment types credited when totalling payments.

Change Password Registry entry
Specify whether password changing is supported.
Password Command Registry entry
Specifies which password authentication script is used when supervisor authori
Skip Password Verification Registry entry
Specifies that verification of supervisor passwords may be skipped.

Address New Line Character Registry entry
Specifies a character that acts as a new line in an address string.
Address Roll Up String Registry entry
Specifies a string (As Above
for instance) to be typed into the first Delivery Details field in order to trigger address “roll up” in the POS system (that is, use of the previous delivery details for the current product).
Specifies the product codes for one or more products that have no specific price.
Specifies whether events are automatically attached to POS transactions if a single matching event is found.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Back Fill Event Details Registry entry
Specifies whether to populate Event Details fields in a POS record with details from an attached registrations record or to retain the details as they were keyed into the Event Details fields.
Balance Shortcut Registry entry
Specifies which tab of values to display on the Payments tab of the POS module for each Balance type.
Booking Surcharge Product Registry entry
Specifies the product code for a booking surcharge fee.
Can Event Search Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can search for an event Registration record and attach it to the Event Details fields in a POS record (effectively disabling / enabling the Attach button in the Event Details group of fields).
Note: Used in the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division and the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Capture Signature Registry entry
Controls the use of signature pads.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Specifies users / groups who can generate invoices.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Cash Payment Types Registry entry
Specifies payment types that are to be treated as cash.
Change of Name Products Registry entry
Specifies a list of product codes that are maintenances of type Change Of Name.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Check For Deceased Registry entry
Specifies that when a birth certificate is ordered for a deceased subject, a pop-up alert will indicate that the subject is deceased.
Specifies the total number of digits in a che
Cheque Text Width Registry entry
Specifies the length of a che
Specifies a list of payment types that are credit cards.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Currency Rounding Registry entry
Specifies the smallest denomination of currency available.
Franked Payment Types Registry entry
Specifies a list of payment types that require the payment to be franked by the impact printer.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Free Issue Conditions Registry entry
Specifies a condition that must be satisfied in order for a certificate to be issued free of charge.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Immediate Courier Fees Registry entry
Specifies an immediate fee code and an associated courier fee code.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Specifies in which office location a worker is based.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Mandatory Product Columns Registry entry
Specifies columns that must be completed for a particular product when processing an order through POS.
Marriage Rebooking Product Registry entry
Specifies the product code for rebooking a Vital Records Office performed marriage service.
Specifies the maximum amount of an overpayment for which a refund will not be issued unless requested (in other words anything less than this overpayment value will not be refunded unless requested).
Specifies the maximum amount of an underpayment for which the order will still be shipped.
Next Cheque Number Registry entry
Holds the number of the che
Payment Shortcut Registry entry
Specifies which set of fields is associated with each Payment Type on the Payments tab of the POS module.
Payment Text Format Registry entry
Specifies the format of the payment lines that print on a receipt.
Processing Time Registry entry
Specifies the time at which a Registration record should be linked to a POS record and any certificates printed when processing a transaction in POS.
Production Slip Delay Registry entry
Specifies a period of time (prior to the current date). If a certificate is ordered for an event that occurred during the specified period of time, a production slip is not required.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies which columns in a registration module are queried with the values entered into the POS Event Details fields depending on the product ordered.
Refund Counter Over Registry entry
Specifies whether an over payment at the Counter may be converted into a refund.
Specifies a reason for a refund and the text to be used when a refund is issued.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Scan Into Envelope Registry entry
Specifies whether barcode checking is being performed between the 2D certificate barcode and address slip barcode to ensure a certificate is going to the correct address.
Note: Used in the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division and the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Security Stock Padding Registry entry
Specifies the number of characters in certificate security stock serial numbers.
Specifies whether details of payments made in POS should be sent through to the CCR Financial system for recording and receipting.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Specifies a report to be printed when the status for an order is set to a particular value.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

Age Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on the subject's age.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Allowed Certificates Registry entry
Specifies which certificates a user / group is permitted to print from the POS module.
Specifies a list of certificates which can be printed and emailed to a remote office.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Allowed Empty For Printing Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields on the Electronic Birth Certificate that may be left empty when printing a paper copy of the certificate.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Automatic Print Report Registry entry
Specifies whether a special speed print button is available, allowing staff to print a Registrations report (with details of all changes to a Registration) by-passing the usual reporting process.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Available Printers Registry entry
Specifies which printers are available to Vitalware users / groups.
Specifies an association between groups of products to be batched and a printer.
Certificate Edit Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields included in a certificate that may be edited at print time in order that they fit on a small certificate.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Configuring remote locations Registry entry
Specifies printer and email settings for use in remote registry office locations in Tasmania.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Double Key Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on the double keying status for a particular product.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Specifies the command for exporting data from a Texpress database to certificate printing routines.
Franked Payment Types Registry entry
Specifies a list of payment types that require the payment to be franked by the impact printer.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Immediate Print Registry entry
Specifies that a certificate will be printed as soon as the user / group processes the order and saves the record.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Impact Printer Newline Count Registry entry
Specifies how far down a page printing should commence when using a slip tray for impact printing.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Impact Printer Payment Format Registry entry
Specifies an output format for payment details where impact printing is available.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Impact Printer Slip Count Registry entry
Specifies the number of certificate applications that will be impact printed before the user is asked whether the next certificate application(s) will be impact printed now or later.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies that if an order contains more than one product type, the white copies are printed together rather than separated out from each other when batch printing.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
LastCertificate Registry entry
Holds the name of the last certificate printed by a user.
Module Certificate Print Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group is permitted to print directly from one or more Registration modules.
Payment Text Format Registry entry
Specifies the format of the payment lines that print on a receipt.
Print Certificate Status Registry entry
Specifies different order statuses that allow certificates to be printed.
Specifies a command used to process anything sent to a printer.
Print Locations Registry entry
Specifies the physical locations in which certificates can be printed.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Print Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on a value in a column for a particular product.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Printer (Default) Registry entry
Specifies the default printer for a user.
Printer (System) Registry entry
Specifies the name, type and paper sizes for a printer, and trays for each available certificate type (certtype).
Printer Location Registry entry
Specifies which PC and printer are paired together, disabling the option to specify any other printer.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Specifies the different types of printer available.
Printing Images Registry entry
Specifies whether certificate images can be printed from within Vitalware.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Receipt Printer Name Registry entry
Specifies the name of a Receipt printer. This entry is used to inform Vitalware of a Receipt printer that replaces one that was hard-coded into Vitalware.
Receipt Text Format Registry entry
Specifies the format of the product lines that print on a receipt.
Show Printer Dialogue Registry entry
Specifies that the printer dialog
Specifies which type of security stock is used to print each type of certificate, and allows Vitalware to monitor stock levels and provide an alert when stock levels are running low.
Temporary Printer Registry entry
System generated Registry entry that records which printer a user will use for their next print only. This entry is generated by the System when a user selects a printer from the Print>Select Printer Menu.

Specifies the product codes for one or more products that have no specific price.
Certificate Types Registry entry
Specifies which product types are certificates and should therefore be processed by the certificate sub-system when ordered.
Change of Name Products Registry entry
Specifies a list of product codes that are maintenances of type Change Of Name.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Change Of Name White Copy Product Code Registry entry
Specifies the product code for a Change Of Name White Copy.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Configuring remote locations Registry entry
Specifies printer and email settings for use in remote registry office locations in Tasmania.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Expedited Products Registry entry
Specifies the product code for one or more expedited products (i.e. the customer has paid a fee to expedite the order). An order that contains an Expedited Product has greater priority in the order processing queue (moving ahead of orders that do not contain an Expedited Product).
Note: Only for use by Service New Brunswick.
Free Product Codes Registry entry
Sets the Payment Status of a free certificate (in the certificate's record in the Certificates module) to FREE
Note: Only for use by the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Mandatory Product Columns Registry entry
Specifies columns that must be completed for a particular product when processing an order through POS.
Marriage Rebooking Product Registry entry
Specifies the product code for rebooking a Vital Records Office performed marriage service.
No Record Product Code Registry entry
Specifies the product code that matches the product which is a Certificate of No Record.
Replacement Product Codes Registry entry
Sets the Payment Status of a replacement certificate (in the certificate's record in the Certificates module) to REPLACEMENT
Note: Only for use by the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Special Products Registry entry
Specifies the product code for one or more products deemed to be "special". As with Expedited Products, an order that contains a "special" product has greater priority in the processing queue (an order with a "special product" is assigned the highest queue priority, moving ahead of orders with an Expedited Product and pick-up orders).
Note: Only for use by Service New Brunswick.

Disable Tab Stops Registry entry
Specifies whether read-only fields are skipped when tabbing through fields.
ReadOnly (System) Registry entry
Specify that the entire system is read-only.
ReadOnly (Table) Registry entry
Specify that one or more (database) tables are read-only.

Recall Skip Columns Registry entry
Specify which fields should not be updated when applying a record recall.

Payment Text Format Registry entry
Specifies the format of the payment lines that print on a receipt.
Receipt Printer Name Registry entry
Specifies the name of a Receipt printer. This entry is used to inform Vitalware of a Receipt printer that replaces one that was hard-coded into Vitalware.

Can Event Search Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can search for an event Registration record and attach it to the Event Details fields in a POS record (effectively disabling / enabling the Attach button in the Event Details group of fields).
Note: Used in the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division and the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Specifies whether users / groups can void (cancel) a registration and re-instate incorrectly voided registrations.
Certificate Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields which must be complete if a registration record (which has previously been given a Status of Complete
) is modified and saved. This ensures that no mandatory certificate data is inadvertently lost when a completed registration record is modified.
CVS Match Columns Registry entry
Specifies a pair of columns that match between the CVS database and Registration tables.
Specifies which columns in a registration module are queried with the values entered into the POS Event Details fields depending on the product ordered.
Specifies the name of the current Registrar to be recorded on Registrations.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Restrict Registration Edit Months Registry entry
Specifies the period of time that registrations staff are able to edit registrations after they have been inserted.
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.

Records a title for a report, the type of report it is, the fields to export, and the name of a file used by an external viewer to display the report. Several Report entries may exist for each module. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a Report is selected from the Reports box - Tools>Reports.)
Enables data to be extracted from a record and passed to a script for processing. It is most often used for fast report generation, however it may be that the script simply manipulates the data and saves it for another process to pick up (e.g. converting data to csv format).
Report Selected Registry entry
Records which Report was last selected and run by a user in a module. This report will be selected by default when the user accesses the Reports box. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a Report is selected from the Reports box - Tools>Reports.)
Specify whether a column can be included in a report.
Specify an association between an internal report type (e.g. Crystal, Excel) and the action to perform when the report is run in the client.
Reports|Extension Registry entry
Specify an association between a report type and its file extension.
Specify a filter to be run before sending report output to the client.
Reports|Media Filter Registry entry
Specify a filter that translates an image's path from its server path to its client-side path.
Specify an association between a report type (e.g. Crystal) and the name to display in the client.
Associates a report type (e.g. Crystal Report) with an export format (e.g. ODBC data set, ADO record set).

Can Authorize Transmit Registry entry
Specifies that a user / group is able to transmit records from the QA system to the Production system.
Can Complete Sample Registry entry
Specifies that a user / group is able to assess a sample, checking its status and finali
Defines the type and subtype (labels which display as the Sample Menu entries), the number of records to be selected randomly for a sample, and how many records can fail the quality assurance process before the entire batch is rejected.
Sample Replicated Environment Registry entry
Specifies the environment (e.g. the production environment) into which a batch of samples records will be transmitted once they have passed the QA process.

Specify additional fields to be searched when a search is performed on a field.
Specify additional search terms to be used when making an attachment and querying for the matching attachment record.
Specifies which columns in a registration module are queried with the values entered into the POS Event Details fields depending on the product ordered.
Define range buckets for a field (i.e. when fine-tuning Range Indexing).

Specify the privileges that users / groups have on a per column basis.
Column Access Modifier Registry entry
Modify the default Column Access values based on data found in the current record.
Create a group and add a user to one or more groups.
Identifies a group of users as using the Electronic Birth Certificate (EBC) system.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Associate a person's actual name with their
Assign permissions to users / groups on a per table basis.
(Record Level) Security Registry entry
Refine the three standard Record Level Security permissions, Display
, Edit
, Delete
, and apply the special Insert
Record Level Security permission.To modify Record Level Security settings a user must have (or be a member of a group that has) the Operations Registry entry permission .
Security|Update Registry entry
Update the contents of one or more fields in the current record when the record is saved if a condition is met (a given value is in a field in the current record). Often (but not exclusively) used to modify Record Level Security security fields.
Specifies a list of users with supervisor privileges.
Specify which tables (modules) can be accessed by users / groups.
Tabs Registry entry (Tab Switching)

Specifies the number of characters in a barcode.
Specifies the prefix for a barcode.
Queue Stock Numbers Registry entry
Specifies whether stock numbers will be processed in real time or batched for later processing.
Record Security Stock Registry entry
Specifies whether or not stock numbers are recorded as part of the certificate audit.
Specifies whether a citizen of Trinidad & Tobago can have their first free certificate re-issued.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Security Stock Padding Registry entry
Specifies the number of characters in certificate security stock serial numbers.
Stock Product Codes Registry entry
Specifies the product codes for those products which a Registry Office wishes to track / record stock.
Specifies which type of security stock is used to print each type of certificate, and allows Vitalware to monitor stock levels and provide an alert when stock levels are running low.

Records what columns to sort, and whether to sort in ascending or descending order. (This Registry entry is generated and maintained by the System when a Sort is defined in a module).
Records which Sort is currently selected by a user. (This Registry entry is generated and maintained by the System when a Sort is selected in a module).

Address Tool Path Registry entry
Specifies the path in Windows to the addressing software that is used to verify all delivery addresses entered into Vitalware.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Capture Signature Registry entry
Controls the use of signature pads.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Specifies a currency denomination and its numerical value for use in a Till.
Currency Rounding Registry entry
Specifies the smallest denomination of currency available.
Specifies the command to be run to send a certificate copy as an email.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies the exchange rate for international payment transactions for each payment type (Che
Specifies in which office location a worker is based.
Note: Only for use by the Trinidad & Tobago Registrar General's Department.
Minimum Available Space Registry entry
Generates a warning message when the space remaining in a database reaches a specified threshold.
POB Column Mappings Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between one or more tags (child, mother, father, deceased) which can be referenced in a Letter template, to various pieces of information about the subject's place of birth stored in any (appropriate) module.
POB Order Columns Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between one or more tags (child, mother, father) which can be referenced in a Letter template, and a column in the Orders module which holds details about the subject of the tag's place of birth.
Record Security Stock Registry entry
Specifies whether or not stock numbers are recorded as part of the certificate audit.
Record Status Mapping Registry entry
Maps record statuses defined by the Queensland Registry to default record statuses in Vitalware. Required to ensure the correct processing of registrations and orders, which are governed by the default record statuses defined in Vitalware.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Specifies the name of the current Registrar to be recorded on Registrations.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Replacement Product Codes Registry entry
Sets the Payment Status of a replacement certificate (in the certificate's record in the Certificates module) to REPLACEMENT
Note: Only for use by the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Scan Into Envelope Registry entry
Specifies whether barcode checking is being performed between the 2D certificate barcode and address slip barcode to ensure a certificate is going to the correct address.
Note: Used in the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division and the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Skip Password Verification Registry entry
Specifies that verification of supervisor passwords may be skipped.
Used when copying data from a record in one module to a record in another module using the Transmit menu option: specifies a mapping where the name of the From column is different to the name of the To column.
Specifies a list of fields to skip when copying data from one record to another using the Transmit menu option.
Specifies a list of tables that receive input from web interfaces.

Tabs Registry entry (Tab Switching)
Insert Tab Order Registry entry
Specify the order of tabs in Display, New and Edit modes.
Insert Tab Order Selected Registry entry
Specify which sequence of tabs defined in an Insert Tab Order Registry entry is active for a user / group in Display, New and Edit modes.
Query Tab Order Registry entry
Specify the order of tabs in Search mode.
Query Tab Order Selected Registry entry
Specify which sequence of tabs defined in a Query Tab Order Registry entry is active for a user / group in Search mode.

Specifies whether or not a user can sign-off another operator's Till.
Specifies a currency denomination and its numerical value for use in a Till.
Physical Location Registry entry
Records which Register Till (the Till location) a user last signed on to: next time the user signs on to the Till, the Location is automatically selected in the Location drop list.
Note: Only for use by the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Specifies the quantity of a particular denomination for a Till's starting float.
Specifies separate business areas that use a Till.
TillPaymentTypes Registry entry
Specifies the order in which payment types are displayed in a signed-off Till record.

Allowed Certificates Registry entry
Specifies which certificates a user / group is permitted to print from the POS module.
Available Printers Registry entry
Specifies which printers are available to Vitalware users / groups.
Can Add Parentage Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to add Parentage Orders (i.e. surrogate births).
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Can Apply Maintenance Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can apply a maintenance (i.e. complete a maintenance transaction).
Note: Only for use by the Vital Statistics Agency, Manitoba.
Can Authorize Transmit Registry entry
Specifies that a user / group is able to transmit records from the QA system to the Production system.
Can Cancel Adoption Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to cancel adoptions that were processed by mistake.
Can Cancel Gender Change Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group is able to process the reversal of a change of gender for a Registration in the Births module.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Can Cancel Parentage Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to cancel Parentage Orders that were added by mistake.
Note: Only for use by the Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Can Change Gender Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group is able to process a change of gender for a Registration in the Births module.
Note: Only for use by the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division.
Can Complete Sample Registry entry
Specifies that a user / group is able to assess a sample, checking its status and finali
Can Edit Status Registry entry
Specifies a list of users who are able to change the Status of an order.
Note: Only for use by the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Can Event Search Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can search for an event Registration record and attach it to the Event Details fields in a POS record (effectively disabling / enabling the Attach button in the Event Details group of fields).
Note: Used in the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division and the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Specifies users / groups who can generate invoices.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Specifies whether or not a user can sign-off another operator's Till.
Can Undo Maintenances Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group can undo the last maintenance that was applied.
Can Unlock Records Registry entry
Specifies a list of users who can unlock locked EBC Certificate records.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Specifies whether users / groups can void (cancel) a registration and re-instate incorrectly voided registrations.
Specifies whether users / groups can write-off a bad debt.
Identifies a group of users as using the Electronic Birth Certificate (EBC) system.
Note: Only for use by the Mississippi State Department of Health.
Module Certificate Print Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group is permitted to print directly from one or more Registration modules.
Printer (Default) Registry entry
Specifies the default printer for a user.
Processes Work Queue Registry entry
Specifies users / groups with access to any work processes in the POS and Registration modules that depend on queuing, e.g. sampling, web orders, etc.
Specifies a list of users with supervisor privileges.

Specifies the number of characters in a barcode.
Specifies the prefix for a barcode.
Certificate Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields which must be complete if a registration record (which has previously been given a Status of Complete
) is modified and saved. This ensures that no mandatory certificate data is inadvertently lost when a completed registration record is modified.
Scan Into Envelope Registry entry
Specifies whether barcode checking is being performed between the 2D certificate barcode and address slip barcode to ensure a certificate is going to the correct address.
Note: Used in the Newfoundland and Labrador Vital Statistics Division and the Saskatchewan Vital Statistics Agency.
Show Validation Errors Registry entry
Specifies that fields with validation errors are highlighted using a colo

Processes Work Queue Registry entry
Specifies users / groups with access to any work processes in the POS and Registration modules that depend on queuing, e.g. sampling, web orders, etc.
Specifies the menu label for a work queue (which will display as a sub menu of Process>Work Queue) and the conditions to be met in order for records to be included in the work queue.
Work Queue Sort Registry entry
Specifies a sort order for a work queue.

Vitalware is able to meet the specific requirements of each client and jurisdiction. This section lists Registry entries that are specific to a client.

Address Tool Path Registry entry
Specifies the path in Windows to the addressing software that is used to verify all delivery addresses entered into Vitalware.
Can Edit Status Registry entry
Specifies a list of users who are able to change the Status of an order.
Impact Printer Slip Count Registry entry
Specifies the number of certificate applications that will be impact printed before the user is asked whether the next certificate application(s) will be impact printed now or later.
Maintenance Type ReadOnly Fields Registry entry
Specifies which maintenance fields are read-only when the specified type of maintenance is being processed.
Production Slip Delay Registry entry
Specifies a period of time (prior to the current date). If a certificate is ordered for an event that occurred during the specified period of time, a production slip is not required.
Record Status Mapping Registry entry
Maps record statuses defined by the Queensland Registry to default record statuses in Vitalware. Required to ensure the correct processing of registrations and orders, which are governed by the default record statuses defined in Vitalware.
Specifies a reason for a refund and the text to be used when a refund is issued.
Specifies a report to be printed when the status for an order is set to a particular value.

Specifies a list of certificates which can be printed and emailed to a remote office.
Can Add Parentage Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to add Parentage Orders (i.e. surrogate births).
Can Cancel Parentage Registry entry
Specifies users / groups who are able to cancel Parentage Orders that were added by mistake.
Change of Name Types Registry entry
Specifies a list of different types of Change Of Name supported by a Vital Records Office.
Change Of Name White Copy Product Code Registry entry
Specifies the product code for a Change Of Name White Copy.
Configuring remote locations Registry entry
Specifies printer and email settings for use in remote registry office locations in Tasmania.
Specifies the command to be run to send a certificate copy as an email.
Parentage Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields copied from a (surrogate) Births Registration to a new Births record generated when Parentage Orders are processed.
Paternity Types Registry entry
Specifies a list of types of paternity affidavit.
Specifies the name of the current Registrar to be recorded on Registrations.

Specifies whether address details are automatically updated when an address is verified against Canada Post postal data or whether (as in the default case) a user is shown a match with the option to select or reject it.
Clear Location Codes Registry entry
Specifies whether PPP and / or CDCSD values will be cleared when City, Province and Country fields are cleared.
Ignore Address Change Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a second verification of postal data will occur when a number change is made to an address that was entered after a lookup of the Postal Code database.
Specifies whether building information (the building name, tower name, etc.) is ignored when addresses are queried against Canada Post postal data.
Old Address Format Registry entry
Specifies whether addresses are stored using the same data structure as Canada Post postal data (false) or whether an old address format is used in which the whole address is stored as a single field (true).
Postal Query Enabled Registry entry
Specifies whether or not Canada Post postal data is queried when users enter values in address fields.

Allow Special Dates Registry entry
Specifies that a user / group can enter a special (non-standard) date in a date field.
Specifies whether events are automatically attached to POS transactions if a single matching event is found.
Specifies whether a single matching query to the Locations module should automatically populate the address fields or whether it should be displayed for the user to select it.
Can Apply Maintenance Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can apply a maintenance (i.e. complete a maintenance transaction).
Certificate Edit Fields Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields included in a certificate that may be edited at print time in order that they fit on a small certificate.
Change of Name Products Registry entry
Specifies a list of product codes that are maintenances of type Change Of Name.
Specifies a list of payment types that are credit cards.
Franked Payment Types Registry entry
Specifies a list of payment types that require the payment to be franked by the impact printer.
Immediate Courier Fees Registry entry
Specifies an immediate fee code and an associated courier fee code.
Impact Printer Newline Count Registry entry
Specifies how far down a page printing should commence when using a slip tray for impact printing.
Impact Printer Payment Format Registry entry
Specifies an output format for payment details where impact printing is available.
Specifies that if an order contains more than one product type, the white copies are printed together rather than separated out from each other when batch printing.
Restrict Registration Edit Months Registry entry
Specifies the period of time that registrations staff are able to edit registrations after they have been inserted.

Certificate Limits Registry entry
Specifies a limit to the number of each type of certificate which can be issued per Registration before the operator is notified when another certificate of the same type is ordered.
Expedited Products Registry entry
Specifies the product code for one or more expedited products (i.e. the customer has paid a fee to expedite the order). An order that contains an Expedited Product has greater priority in the order processing queue (moving ahead of orders that do not contain an Expedited Product).
Special Products Registry entry
Specifies the product code for one or more products deemed to be "special". As with Expedited Products, an order that contains a "special" product has greater priority in the processing queue (an order with a "special product" is assigned the highest queue priority, moving ahead of orders with an Expedited Product and pick-up orders).

Can Cancel Gender Change Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group is able to process the reversal of a change of gender for a Registration in the Births module.
Can Change Gender Registry entry
Specifies whether or not a user / group is able to process a change of gender for a Registration in the Births module.
Can Event Search Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can search for an event Registration record and attach it to the Event Details fields in a POS record (effectively disabling / enabling the Attach button in the Event Details group of fields).
Gender Change Fields Registry entry
Specifies which fields in a Births record are not copied to the new Births record when a Gender Change is processed.
Printer Location Registry entry
Specifies which PC and printer are paired together, disabling the option to specify any other printer.
Scan Into Envelope Registry entry
Specifies whether barcode checking is being performed between the 2D certificate barcode and address slip barcode to ensure a certificate is going to the correct address.
Specifies whether details of payments made in POS should be sent through to the CCR Financial system for recording and receipting.

Can Event Search Registry entry
Specifies whether a user / group can search for an event Registration record and attach it to the Event Details fields in a POS record (effectively disabling / enabling the Attach button in the Event Details group of fields).
Free Product Codes Registry entry
Sets the Payment Status of a free certificate (in the certificate's record in the Certificates module) to FREE
Physical Location Registry entry
Records which Register Till (the Till location) a user last signed on to: next time the user signs on to the Till, the Location is automatically selected in the Location drop list.
Replacement Product Codes Registry entry
Sets the Payment Status of a replacement certificate (in the certificate's record in the Certificates module) to REPLACEMENT
Scan Into Envelope Registry entry
Specifies whether barcode checking is being performed between the 2D certificate barcode and address slip barcode to ensure a certificate is going to the correct address.

ADAM Barcode Valid Version Registry entry
Specifies which versions of the barcode standard are supported by the ADAM verification service.
ADAM Mandatory Fields Registry entry
Specifies which information from a Driver's Licence or ID card must be supplied to a State for verification using the ADAM verification service .
ADAM Participants Registry entry
Specifies which States are participating with the ADAM verification service. Details from a Driver's Licence or ID card issued by a State listed in this entry will be verified using the ADAM verification service.
Age Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on the subject's age.
Allowed Empty For Printing Registry entry
Specifies a list of fields on the Electronic Birth Certificate that may be left empty when printing a paper copy of the certificate.
Specifies users / groups who can generate invoices.
Can Unlock Records Registry entry
Specifies a list of users who can unlock locked EBC Certificate records.
Clear Reverse Hierarchy Registry entry
Specifies whether to clear Lookup List hierarchies when double keying.
Double Key Clear Registry entry
Specifies fields (which are part of a hierarchy) that should be cleared of any values when double keying commences.
Double Key Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on the double keying status for a particular product.
Identifies a group of users as using the Electronic Birth Certificate (EBC) system.
Specifies the reference to a Parties record for a particular Hospital group.
Print Restrictions Registry entry
Specifies a restriction on printing a certificate based on a value in a column for a particular product.
Printing Images Registry entry
Specifies whether certificate images can be printed from within Vitalware.

Automatic Print Report Registry entry
Specifies whether a special speed print button is available, allowing staff to print a Registrations report (with details of all changes to a Registration) by-passing the usual reporting process.
Capture Signature Registry entry
Controls the use of signature pads.
Document Abbreviations Registry entry
Specifies a mapping between document names stored in the legacy Companies system with those used in Vitalware.
Free Issue Conditions Registry entry
Specifies a condition that must be satisfied in order for a certificate to be issued free of charge.
Immediate Print Registry entry
Specifies that a certificate will be printed as soon as the user / group processes the order and saves the record.
Specifies in which office location a worker is based.
Name Reservation Period Registry entry
Specifies the number of days available to register a company / business once a reserved name has been approved.
Specifies a penalty fee to be applied if a document is not filed with the Companies Registry within the expected filing time.
Pos Attach Page Registry entry
Specifies which fields (Civil or Companies) are available when attaching records to a product in a POS transaction.Print Locations Registry entry
Specifies the physical locations in which certificates can be printed.
Prohibited Names Registry entry
Specifies names / terms that cannot be used in a Company Name.
Public Holidays Registry entry
Specifies a list of public holidays that occur throughout the year.
Specifies whether a citizen of Trinidad & Tobago can have their first free certificate re-issued.